Our Team

Dr. Alan Homestead


Dr. Homestead is an optometric physician who has been practicing for 40 years. He graduated from Pacific University College of Optometry in 1980.

Dr. Kendal Piatt


Dr. Piatt has lived in Eastern Washington for 23 years and has a vested interest in the community she serves. As a safety engineer, her father took the family abroad in her youth and Dr. Piatt has kept a spirit of adventure because of it. After returning from Austria, Dr. Piatt attended school in Benton City.

Dr. Laura Winkel


Dr. Winkel is a Washington State native. She grew up near Spokane, and has lived in Kennewick for the past 25 years. She graduated from Pacific University and since graduating, she has practiced general optometry for 27 years, providing health evaluations, refractions, contact lens fittings, and sports specialty exams. She also administers low-vision evaluations at the Edith Bishel Center for the Visually Impaired.